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Bariatric Surgery Nutrition

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Before elaborating on nutrition in bariatric surgery, it is useful to give information about what bariatric surgery is. Bariatric surgery is a surgical procedure to treat extreme obesity. Bariatric surgery works by making changes to the stomach or intestines to help patients with obesity lose weight. These procedures help patients change their eating habits, but can also reduce type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and other obesity-related health problems.

Bariatric surgery or bariatric surgery includes many different procedures, but the most common are gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy and adjustable gastric band. These procedures are usually considered for patients with extreme obesity who do not respond to diet and exercise programs. However, like any surgical procedure, bariatric surgery has risks and potential complications, and the patient should be informed about these risks beforehand.

What is Bariatric Surgery Nutrition Therapy?

Bariatric surgery is a surgical procedure performed for weight loss and treatment of health problems of overweight people. Nutrition after bariatric surgery is extremely important for maintaining weight loss and maintaining a healthy life.

In the process of bariatric surgery nutrition therapy, although it varies according to the surgical method applied, liquid foods are usually consumed for the first few weeks. Afterwards, pureed foods and then solid foods are consumed. In other words, the transition should be gradual and gradual, otherwise it may cause unwanted health problems. Bariatric surgery nutrition therapy may differ significantly from the diet before surgery.

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Nouf Ali

I just want to thanq doctor yücel for the rhinoplasty surgery it was good and happy for the results and waiting for the last results.

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Elif Sena Kelleci

Er ist eine toller und einfühlsamer Arzt mit mega viel Erfahrung. Er nimmt sich super viel Zeit für die Beratung und hört einem genau zu. Herr Dr. Yücel Sarialtin ist auch nach der Behandlung bei Fragen oder Unsicherheiten immer erreichbar. Ich habe mich sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Mit meiner OP bin ich mehr als zufrieden. Ich habe eine Bauchdeckungstraffung machen lassen und eine Fettabsaugung. Herr Dr. Yücel Sarialtin und sein Team waren immer für mich da! Danke an das ganze Team. Die Klinik und die Leitung durch den Arzt ist sehr kompetent und genau. Herr Dr. Yücel Sarialtin hat alles was ein guter Arzt braucht und hat außerdem noch eine außerordentlich Top Persönlichkeit. Ich bin so glücklich dass ich diese Klinik gefunden habe. Kompliment in allerhöchster Form! Zuvorkommend, kompetent und höchst professionell. Mehr kann man nicht erwarten. Ich kann es jedem nur empfehlen!!

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Ubeyd Celepci

Just came to Dr. Yücel Sarıaltın the second time and was completely amazed and stunned to see his great work!! I am extremely thankful!

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Arzu Çolak

Ich wurde am 20.3.2021 vom Lieblingsarzt Dr. Yücel Sarialtin operiert. Sehr sympathisch sehr professionell. Der Aufenthalt im Krankenhaus sehr gut danke an alle 1 Woche später bin ich zurück nach Deutschland geflogen. Jede Woche bin ich mit der Assistentin Yagmur in Kontakt. Vor Ort und danach sogar jetzt noch kümmern sie sich sehr um mich. Was besseres konnte mir nicht passieren. Ich bin so froh und würde auch für die nächste OP wieder dahin fliegen. Bester Arzt ❤️ bestes Team❤️ Bis bald

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Silia Lilia

Je tiens à remercier mon docteur, le dr Yucel pour son magnifique travail❤️ une équipe vraiment au top qui fait attention aux moindres détails soit à l’hôpital comme à la clinique, venant de France j’étais très bien accompagnée avec l’adorable guzdi qui m’a tres bien accueilli et tout expliquer et me rassurer surtout je suis très satisfaite du mon résultat même si ce n’est pas le résultat final. Love you my doctor

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I got surgery one month ago. I had BBL and liposuction done. I can highly recommend the doctor and also his assistant Sevgi. She looked after me lovingly and was there for me at all times and always answered all my questions. I was in the hospital one night and was completely satisfied. Thank you for making this big step as pleasant as possible for me!

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Bariatric surgery and nutrition program should include a diet rich in protein, vitamins and minerals and low in calories and fat. Adequate intake of protein in particular is important to maintain muscle mass in the body and to promote wound healing. Fluid consumption is also important. Drinking plenty of water maintains the body's fluid balance and facilitates digestion. Alcoholic beverages should be avoided and caffeine intake should be limited.

The nutrition plan in bariatric surgery should be determined individually by a dietician or nutritionist. Age, gender, weight, health status and other factors should be taken into consideration in the nutrition program.

How Should Nutrition Be Before Bariatric Surgery?

During the pre-bariatric surgery nutrition process, a nutrition plan developed to support the patient's weight loss and reduce the risks during and after the surgical procedure is needed.

A pre-bariatric surgery nutrition plan usually includes a high-protein, low-calorie, low-fat diet. This diet will help you lose weight and may also help to better prepare the body for the surgical procedure. In a pre-bariatric surgery nutrition plan, you can pay attention to the following:

  • Protein: Adequate protein intake is important during the body's healing process. Therefore, the preoperative diet should include high-protein foods. For example, you can consume protein sources such as chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, soy products, lean meats, legumes.
  • Low-Fat Foods: The pre-bariatric surgery nutrition program should include low-fat foods. This reduces calorie intake and the risk of digestive problems. You can consume fat-free dairy products or healthy sources of fat such as avocados, nuts or seeds.
  • Low Calorie Foods: Low-calorie foods help with weight loss. Consuming vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins can be preferred for lower calorie intake.
  • Fluid Consumption: It is very important to drink plenty of water before bariatric surgery. This prepares your body for hydration and surgery. In addition, sugary drinks, alcoholic beverages and caffeinated beverages should be avoided in the preoperative period.
  • Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation: Vitamin and mineral supplements may be required before bariatric surgery. Because the digestive system will change after surgery, supplements may be needed to ensure that the body gets enough nutrients.
  • It is necessary to create a nutrition plan before bariatric surgery together with your doctor or nutritionist. Thus, a diet plan can be created in the most accurate way, taking into account individual needs and health status.

How Should Nutrition Be After Bariatric Surgery?

Nutrition after bariatric surgery is very important due to the restructuring of your digestive system in the postoperative period. Therefore, it is necessary to follow a slow and controlled nutrition plan. Although postoperative nutrition is gradual and requires some special prescriptions, some tips to be considered can be given as follows:

In the first few days after bariatric surgery, only water, herbal teas or liquid foods should be consumed. After bariatric surgery, you can gradually switch to foods such as smoothies, buttermilk, kefir, milk with a thicker consistency by progressing in line with the doctor's recommendation. In this process, your doctor may recommend that you stay away from non-organic fruit juices and sugary drinks.

Protein consumption is necessary to make the period after bariatric surgery more comfortable and healthier. Protein is important for the body to heal and regenerate. For this reason, protein powder or protein-containing drinks can be consumed during the liquid food process with the doctor's recommendation. In this process, protein-containing foods such as meat broth and chicken broth can be consumed. After bariatric surgery, you can add dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, as well as high-protein foods such as eggs, fish, chicken, red meat to your diet.

After bariatric surgery, it may be necessary to limit carbohydrates. Consumption of high carbohydrate foods such as refined sugar, white flour, sweets and pastries should be avoided. Instead, complex carbohydrates such as whole grain products, vegetables and fruits should be preferred.

It is important to drink enough fluids after surgery. However, fluid consumption before or during meals should be reduced. Fluid consumption should be done at least 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after meals.

Since nutrient absorption decreases after bariatric surgery, you may need to take vitamin and mineral supplements as recommended by your doctor.

Since the stomach volume shrinks after surgery, portion control is even more important. If you overeat, serious side effects may occur. Therefore, you should eat slowly and in small portions. Eating slowly helps your digestive system to work more easily and helps you to feel full more quickly. Therefore, it is important to chew your food well and eat slowly.

Exercise can help accelerate your weight loss, as well as improve your physical health and general well-being. However, it may not be appropriate to start exercising immediately after surgery. You can determine your exercise plan in line with your doctor's recommendations.

Nutrition after bariatric surgery is crucial for long-term success. Therefore, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle by carefully following your diet plan and following your doctor's recommendations. During the nutrition process in bariatric surgery, eating habits change completely and continue throughout the patient's daily life.

Stages in the Nutrition Process in Bariatric Surgery

Although the nutritional phases in bariatric surgery vary according to the surgical method applied to the patient or the individual needs of the patient, they generally consist of four parts.

Clear Liquid Food Phase

The clear liquid phase, which is the first stage of the feeding process in bariatric surgery, covers the first few days after surgery. This phase is necessary to facilitate digestion after surgery and to initiate bowel movements. In this first phase of the bariatric surgery nutrition process, only water, very light tea, diluted organic fruit juices (on doctor's recommendation), compote without added sugar and grains can be consumed. This phase is a diet that is applied for a few days during hospitalization and covers a frequent but small feeding process in the form of 3 tablespoons every 15 minutes.

Liquid Food Phase

The second stage of the nutrition process in bariatric surgery is the liquid diet phase. Depending on the patient's condition, it is applied a few weeks after surgery. In the liquid diet phase, more fiber intake is aimed through liquid foods. In this phase, low-calorie liquid foods such as high-protein liquids, soups, smoothies and juices are consumed. It is also important to consume liquids gradually, as recommended by the doctor. The feeding process should be at intervals of 2-2.5 hours. Each meal should be based on 1 cup of liquid.

Soft Food Phase

It is the third stage of the nutrition process in bariatric surgery. In this stage, foods such as pureed foods, soup, yogurt, soft cheese, soft vegetables and soft fruits can be consumed. It is important to eat slowly and chew thoroughly.

Normal Food Phase

After the soft foods phase, you can start eating normal food. However, even at this stage it is important to keep portions small and eat slowly. It is also recommended to eat healthy foods such as high-protein, complex carbohydrate foods and vegetables.

The duration of these phases may vary depending on the type of surgery and the individual needs of the patient. Your dietitian or doctor will guide you in determining your nutrition plan. In addition, following your nutrition plan after bariatric surgery and following your doctor's recommendations are important for weight loss and your health.

Last Update : 22.10.2023