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Temporal Lift

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Temporal lift is performed to lift the outer part of the eyebrow. Crow's feet are softened by the plastic surgery procedure. At the same time, the eye area is tightened. The surgery can be performed alone or in combination with an eyelid lift. The temporal lift surgery is performed with the help of small incisions hidden at the hairline. This facilitates the healing process and results in very little scarring. The scars disappear in a short time.

Forehead and temporal lifts are performed under local anesthesia and sedation. Additionally, the treatment can be performed with the option of anesthesia. At the beginning of the procedure, an incision is made at the hairline. Through the incision, the underlying tissue is accessed. The area is then suspended to lift the outside of the eyebrow and smooth the crow's feet. The excess skin is then removed. The temporal lift surgery is completed by closing the incision with small stitches.

Number of Sessions :
1 Session
Operation Duration :
1 Hour
Season :
4 Seasons
Hospitalisation :
Sensitisation Process :
1 - 2 Days
Return to Work Period :
Anaesthesia :
Situation Dependent
Permanence of Results :
Dependent on Usage

What is Temporal Lift Surgery?

The question "What is a temporal lift?" can generally be answered as a minimal plastic surgery procedure that is performed in a short period of time. After the temporal lift surgery is performed in a controlled manner, the sutures are carefully placed. After suturing, the head is lightly bandaged for an average of 1 to 2 days. After the temporal lift surgery, patients are informed about what to do when they are discharged. At the same time, the bandaging procedures are explained in detail. After expert guidance, the duration of bandage removal is determined. Moreover, the wrinkles on the forehead are eliminated thanks to the applied method.

During esthetic temporal lifting, which is performed by experienced surgeons, it is necessary to follow the appropriate instructions. It is important to keep your head elevated, especially during the first week. You can easily keep your head upright by using 2 or 3 pillows. In this way, swelling and bruising can be reduced to an extremely low level. In addition, ice treatment recommended by experts prevents swelling and bruising. It is normal for bruising to occur in the area of the forehead and around the eyes. The negative effects disappear within 10 days on average. It is possible to conceal the factors caused by the temporal lift surgery with the help of make-up.

What did they say?
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Seda Ceviz

I had surgery 2 weeks ago by Dr Yucel Sarialtin. I have been to almost every doctor in Istanbul, but this doctor is so spontaneous and gives so much attention to his patient, I immediately felt good. I've had a Tummytuck 360 Lipo and BBL! What a great result I couldn't have imagined it better! Dear people please find the right doctor!!! Because I also had the same operation in 2019, but this doctor mutilated me, and Yucel Sarialtin had to correct this again, which of course makes the operation more difficult. I recommend this doctor 100%! & of course his team also lots of kisses to Buse Bayram Aysegul who helped me through this period

Devamını Oku
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Silia Lilia

Je tiens à remercier mon docteur, le dr Yucel pour son magnifique travail❤️ une équipe vraiment au top qui fait attention aux moindres détails soit à l’hôpital comme à la clinique, venant de France j’étais très bien accompagnée avec l’adorable guzdi qui m’a tres bien accueilli et tout expliquer et me rassurer surtout je suis très satisfaite du mon résultat même si ce n’est pas le résultat final. Love you my doctor

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Jihane Zaroual

I can only recommend dr.sarialtin and his team, his work is very good and the aftercare as well. His assistant Nagham was there for me every step of the way.

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Ubeyd Celepci

Just came to Dr. Yücel Sarıaltın the second time and was completely amazed and stunned to see his great work!! I am extremely thankful!

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Niran Demetoğlu

Hello everyone I'm from Belgium I came to Turkey last week to do mummy Makeover with Dr.Yücel I am very satisfied from the service thank you all

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Şule Yıldırım Koca

1 maand geleden ben ik geopereerd door Op. Dr. Yücel Sarıaltın, wat een spontane man en een super aardige team ! Nu al heel er blij met mijn Resultaat. Ik wil hun hier nogmaals bedanken TOP TEAM zijn jullie

Devamını Oku

How is The Temporal Lift Surgery Performed?

The questtion “How is temporal lift surgery performed?” can be easily answered thanks to professional practices. The individual steps of the surgery can be explained as follows:

  • During the surgery, the procedure is performed in the upper part of the ear.
  • A temporary incision is made on both sides of the scalp.
  • The surgical scar can be easily hidden by placing the incision on the scalp.
  • The temporal lift surgery continues by lifting the underlying tissue.
  • Crow's feet wrinkles in the corners of the eyes can be easily smoothed.
  • The softened areas give the skin a firmer appearance.
  • After removing the excess skin, the temporal lift surgery is completed by suturing.

It is very important that experts explain what to look for after the temporal lift surgery. This way, patients can get through the difficult processes quickly. To avoid negative effects, the ice used should not come into direct contact with the skin. Wrapping the ice in a towel or plastic bag provides comfort after the temporal lift surgery. At the same time, a damp towel kept in the refrigerator for a short time also helps to cool down. Not to forget the regular check-ups after the forehead and temporal lift surgery.

What You Should do Before a Temporal Lift Surgery?

It is important to get information from experts before temporal lift surgery. This will help to clearly identify what needs to be done before the surgery. Expert surgeons will determine how the processes will take place during the examination. Before starting the temporal lift surgery phase, medical tests are performed. Based on the tests performed, the patient's condition is determined. Then, personalized application processes are initiated. When the temporal lift surgery is performed by experienced surgeons, there are no problems and all precautions are taken.

The depth of incision varies from person to person. Professional steps are taken by determining the intensity of the surgery along with the patient's facial structure. It is important not to take vitamins and blood thinners before the temporal lift. Also, aspirin should not be taken along with herbal teas. Smoking, another point to be considered, should be stopped 8 hours before the procedure. It is also extremely important not to have any drinks with food before the temporal lift surgery.

For Whom is Temporal Lift Surgery Performed?

Temporal lift surgery is suitable for people who do not need a full eyebrow lift. A single procedure can be performed for those who only need the eyebrow tip pulled. The benefits of the surgery include the removal of deep lines on both sides of the eye, including the eyebrow tip. Temporal lift surgery is recommended for those who want to eliminate the visible signs of aging. People who have sagging skin in addition to their eyebrows can achieve the desired look with this surgery.

The temporal area can show sad facial expressions and anxiety during the aging process. Those who need surgery only in the temporal area can benefit from effective methods. Drooping temporals show more signs of aging than the brow lift area. Facial rejuvenation surgeries can easily achieve the desired look. The surgery can be performed on women from the age of 45. For men, this limit is 55 years. In addition, more effective results can be achieved in people with a small amount of subcutaneous fat in the facial area. Those who have undergone a temporal lift are extremely satisfied with the procedure.

What are the Types of Temporal Lift Surgery?

Temporal lift surgery is divided into different types depending on the need. The types are pinpointed to ensure that the applications provide the best results for people. The types of temporal lift surgery can be listed as follows:

  • Skin lifting
  • Superficial facelift
  • Minimally accessible temporal lift
  • Based on the examinations and tests performed on those requesting temporal lift surgery, the surgery to be performed will be determined.

For temporals with relatively minor sagging, skin tightening surgery is sufficient. The intervention points are determined by experienced surgeons depending on the condition of the eye area. A superficial facelift is performed to tighten the layers under the skin. After the temporal lift surgery, the muscle is pulled under the skin of the superficial layer.

With the method used, it's possible to preserve the image especially in the long term. Thanks to the minimally invasive temporal lift surgery, the layers under the skin are tightened. One of the advantages of the method is that the tension level remains more natural and the skin texture is preserved.

Is Temporal Lift Surgery Simple Enough?

The temporal lift surgery is a surgical procedure to rejuvenate the face. The procedures performed are very effective. In addition to the facial skin, the layers under the skin are also tightened. At the same time, wrinkles can be corrected thanks to neck lift aesthetics along with facial rejuvenation through extensive surgery. During the procedure, local anaesthesia can be used in addition to general anaesthesia. Generally, the procedures can be completed within 3-6 hours. The temporal lift surgery can be combined with various options or is sufficient on its own.

Procedures that start from the temporal area are designed according to the needs of the person. Thus, the result fully meets the expectations. Just like tonsil eye aesthetics, temporal lift surgery is one of the effective methods. The surgeon's interventions are crucial to ensure that the surgery is sufficient. Tonsil eye surgery for temporal lift also attracts a lot of attention. With efficient applications, the expected results can be easily achieved. As with facial aesthetics, surgeries in the temporal area provide a high level of satisfaction.

What are the Risks of Temporal Lift Surgery?

Thanks to experienced surgeons, temporal lift surgery is not associated with high risks. As a result of the procedure, swelling and bruising may occur. However, the effects are not very long lasting. As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection with the temporal lift. Surgeons take every precaution to avoid any problems. Thus, the procedure can be performed with a clear conscience. Also, one of the most frequently asked questions is whether there will be scars or not, as well as the risk of temporal lift surgery. Depending on the surgery, incisions are made on the scalp above the ear. The excess skin is removed immediately after the incision.

After the temporal lift surgery, the stitches are removed within a week on average. Since the scars are hidden under the scalp, they are not visible. In this way, everyday tasks can be performed easily even before the stitches are removed. Looking at the comments of those who have undergone a temporal lift, it is easy to see that the surgical scars are neither visible nor permanent. From the information provided by experts before and after the temporal lift, it can be seen that there are no high risks from the procedure. Thus, the decision-making process is quickly completed. At the same time, an important step is taken to achieve the desired appearance.

Temporal Lift Surgery Prices

The price of a temporal lift surgery depends on certain factors. The procedures to be performed are determined based on the surgeon's examination. This is how it is decided which direction the procedures will take. Moreover, the price of temporal lift surgery may change depending on the cost of medical products in 2023. Of course, prices will change if procedures other than temporal lift surgery are desired. In addition to all the factors identified, attention should also be paid to the quality of the application. Aesthetic procedures are considered successful when people are satisfied.

The selection of the clinic and the price research for the temporal lift have a direct impact on the health of the patients. Applications performed by expert hands make people very happy. However, temporal lift surgery like brow lift surgery is also within reach. At the same time, the durability of a temporal lift can last on average 5-10 years and sometimes even a lifetime. In this way, you will receive full compensation for the fees paid. The surgery of temporal lift meets the needs of people. Those who want to undergo the procedure can get more detailed information from the clinic.

Frequently Asked Questions About Temporal Lift Surgery

Is The Temporal Lift Surgery Permanent?

The longevity of temporal lift surgery depends on the patient's skin structure. It is also possible for the surgery to last a lifetime, with an average duration of 5 to 10 years.

How Many Days Does it Take to Heal From a Temporal Lift?

The recovery process after temporal lift surgery does not take long. Full recovery occurs in about 2 weeks.

Are There Any Scars Left After The Temporal Lift?

During temporal lift surgery, the facial area is completely protected. Due to the application in the hair area above the ear, the appearance of scars is prevented. At the same time, no scar remains on the face.

Last Update : 21.10.2023