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Thread Lift

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Due to reasons such as aging, environmental factors or genetic factors, sagging or loosening of the skin on the face may occur, these problems can be treated with French sling and deep wrinkles can be removed. Since sagging, loosening or wrinkles on the face create an unaesthetic appearance and can lead to self-confidence problems, it is of great importance to remove these wrinkles.

With the French strap, the skin that has lost both its elasticity and collagen balance can be restored to its former appearance. In this way, the deformations caused by aging are also eliminated. At the same time, the oval shape of the face is preserved, giving the face a much fresher appearance. Since it is not a surgical procedure, there are no incisions, stitches or scars. For this reason, it has replaced other medical aesthetic applications in order to remove wrinkles and give the face a youthful appearance. So, what is a French sling and what advantages does it offer?

Number of Sessions :
1 Session
Operation Duration :
1 Hour
Season :
4 Seasons
Hospitalisation :
Sensitisation Process :
1 Day
Return to Work Period :
Anaesthesia :
Permanence of Results :
5 Years

What is French Lift?

Developed as an alternative to surgical facelift or similar applications, the French sling creates a lifting effect on the face as a method applied to eliminate aging-related problems and give the face a youthful appearance. Since there is no intervention to the muscles during the application, the results of the French lift are extremely natural.

In the French lift application, flexible threads made of polyester inside and silicone outside, compatible with the skin tissue, are used. In the French sling method, so named because it was developed in France, the skin is stretched and the tissue under the skin surface is raised. The French sling, which removes wrinkles in the facial area quite painlessly, can also be used in the treatment of partial facial paralysis since it is applied with materials compatible with the body.

French sling is an extremely reliable procedure. As with all medical aesthetic applications, it has minimal risks. Compared to surgical applications, it is much easier and has a long-lasting effect. The French hanger has a permanence of 2 years depending on the skin type of the person. If you would like to get a direct first-hand answer to the question "How is the French hanger done?" and make an appointment for a physician examination, you can contact us right now.

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Nouf Ali

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Elif Sena Kelleci

Er ist eine toller und einfühlsamer Arzt mit mega viel Erfahrung. Er nimmt sich super viel Zeit für die Beratung und hört einem genau zu. Herr Dr. Yücel Sarialtin ist auch nach der Behandlung bei Fragen oder Unsicherheiten immer erreichbar. Ich habe mich sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Mit meiner OP bin ich mehr als zufrieden. Ich habe eine Bauchdeckungstraffung machen lassen und eine Fettabsaugung. Herr Dr. Yücel Sarialtin und sein Team waren immer für mich da! Danke an das ganze Team. Die Klinik und die Leitung durch den Arzt ist sehr kompetent und genau. Herr Dr. Yücel Sarialtin hat alles was ein guter Arzt braucht und hat außerdem noch eine außerordentlich Top Persönlichkeit. Ich bin so glücklich dass ich diese Klinik gefunden habe. Kompliment in allerhöchster Form! Zuvorkommend, kompetent und höchst professionell. Mehr kann man nicht erwarten. Ich kann es jedem nur empfehlen!!

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Şule Yıldırım Koca

1 maand geleden ben ik geopereerd door Op. Dr. Yücel Sarıaltın, wat een spontane man en een super aardige team ! Nu al heel er blij met mijn Resultaat. Ik wil hun hier nogmaals bedanken TOP TEAM zijn jullie

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I got surgery one month ago. I had BBL and liposuction done. I can highly recommend the doctor and also his assistant Sevgi. She looked after me lovingly and was there for me at all times and always answered all my questions. I was in the hospital one night and was completely satisfied. Thank you for making this big step as pleasant as possible for me!

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Ubeyd Celepci

Just came to Dr. Yücel Sarıaltın the second time and was completely amazed and stunned to see his great work!! I am extremely thankful!

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Jihane Zaroual

I can only recommend dr.sarialtin and his team, his work is very good and the aftercare as well. His assistant Nagham was there for me every step of the way.

It is possible to lift low eyebrows, shape the face into an oval shape and lighten lip lines with the French sling facelift method, which provides reconstruction of facial contours. The French lift, which also helps to lift areas such as the chin, neck area or the edge of the nose, is also extremely effective in removing visible lines around the cheeks, making the nasolabial folds and under-eye hollows look much better. The French hanger can also be applied for a much better appearance of the cheekbones.

The application area of the French hanger method is not only the face. The chest shadow, arms, legs and buttocks can also be tightened with the French hanger.

The French hanger creates a volumetric change in the application area. Therefore, it may not be effective in excessively sagging or wrinkled areas of the skin. For this reason, an examination should be performed by the physician before the application and the patients should be informed about the possible results. As a matter of fact, much more effective results can be obtained in thin or slightly loose skin types. However, in areas where the skin structure is thick or wrinkles are dense, the success rate of the French strap application decreases.

Who Can Have a French Lift?

Anyone who has sagging or wrinkles on their face or various parts of their body due to old age or other reasons and who is uncomfortable with this can have a French thread lift. With this method, both the signs of aging are eliminated and the aging process is delayed. In addition, since the materials used are compatible with the skin tissue, it is also possible for patients who have partial paralysis to have a thread facelift.

On the other hand, since the amount of hyaluronic acid and collagen under the skin begins to decrease especially after the age of 30, a French sling can be considered for patients after this age. However, since the skin tissue loosens well after the age of 65, it is not recommended to have a French lift after this age. In other words, all women and men between the ages of 30 and 65 can have a French lift. Since the French lift is a non-surgical, non-surgical procedure, it is also ideal for those who do not want to go under the knife due to aesthetic operations. Those with low eyebrows can also get rid of this problem with French lift.

If you want to get information about before and after French lift and make an appointment immediately, you can contact us.

How is a French Lift Performed?

Before the French hanger, a consultation takes place between the physician and the patient regarding the expectations and the process is planned in detail. After the application is planned, the day is determined and when the application day arrives, the area is anesthetized with local anesthesia. With the help of a cannula containing suspension threads, subcutaneous access is made, the thread is fixed by pulling up tightly and the skin is stretched and the tissue is raised. In addition, since the threads are placed under the skin over the ear in the facial French lift application, the application scar is hidden in the scalp.

French lift takes approximately 45 to 60 minutes. Compared to surgical applications, the incisions are very small and invisible after the application. On the other hand, the placed threads help to increase the natural collagen production under the skin for 2 to 6 lengths, which helps to tighten the skin.

French hanger is an extremely safe and risk-free procedure as long as it is applied in a sterile clinical environment by experienced physicians who are experts in their field. The comments and fully satisfied feedbacks of the patients who had French lift prove this.

Facts to Consider After French Lift

French sling application is performed under local anesthesia. Therefore, patients do not need to be hospitalized after the operation and can return to their daily lives immediately. Mild swelling or bruising after the application is considered normal. In case of pain, this can be controlled with mild painkillers. Mild complaints that occur after the French strap application disappear within 1-2 weeks depending on the skin structure.

French hanger is a procedure performed in a single session and a second session is usually not required. The procedure has an average effect of 5 years and can be repeated after this period. In order to increase the success of the operation for people, the things to be considered after the French hanger are as follows:

  • Rest for a few days,
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach for several days,
  • Keep jaw movements to a minimum,
  • Do not rub or massage the application area,
  • Wash your face with upward movements,
  • Avoid heavy activities for a few days.

As long as you strictly follow the recommendations prescribed by the physician, the rope suspension method will give very effective results.

Side Effects of French Strap Application

French sling, which is applied to create a youth effect, does not cause any side effects due to the fact that the French medical threads used are biologically compatible with the human body. Therefore, French sling is a procedure that makes a name for itself with its benefits, not its harms. The experience of the specialist physician is also decisive for the success of the application. If asymmetry occurs during the application, it is possible to correct this asymmetry before the application is terminated.

Apart from normal conditions such as bruising, swelling or edema on the skin, bleeding may rarely occur due to compression. These bleeding marks will disappear spontaneously within a few days. In addition, antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed by the physician to prevent infection. Approximately one week after the application, a doctor's examination is required to check the success of the procedure and to prevent possible complications.

In addition, patients are advised to stay out of the sun for a few days and to use sunscreen for the application area if they need to be in the sun. Patients should also avoid areas with high temperatures such as baths or saunas. Complying with all these important points increases the effects of the thread suspension facelift application.

Advantages of the French Hanger Application

French thread lift, one of the most successful non-surgical facelift procedures, brings many advantages. The most important advantages for those who have a non-surgical thread lift are as follows:

  • The threads used are compatible with the skin, so a natural appearance is created without negatively affecting muscles or facial expressions,
  • Treatment of diseases such as eyebrow falls or partial paralysis is possible with the French sling,
  • In addition to removing wrinkles or sagging, cheekbones are clarified and the oval structure of the face is revealed,
  • A younger appearance is formed on the face,
  • As collagen production is supported, skin brightness increases,
  • Since it is not a surgical procedure, there is no incision or stitches, so there is no scar after the application,
  • No hospitalization is required as general anesthesia is not applied,
  • Since local anesthesia is applied, there is no pain or soreness,
  • It is possible to return to daily life immediately after the application is completed.

In addition to all these, the French hanger is a procedure that lasts for 5 years. In case the skin sags or wrinkles again, it is possible to stretch the skin by pulling the threads even after years. Moreover, the price of French sling is at an acceptable level compared to surgical applications and patient comfort is quite high. You can call us to get information about the prices of facial rope sling and to make an appointment.

When the Effects of French Strap Can Be Seen?

French strap is an application that can be performed in a single session. Although the effects vary from person to person, the average duration is 5 years. It is possible to extend the duration of the effect as long as the recommendations recommended by the doctor are followed. People can have a new French strap application if the procedure starts to lose its effects.

French strap also draws attention as a reversible procedure. In other words, if the procedure loses its effects after a few years, these threads can be stretched again and sagging on the face can be removed. In case of possible dissatisfaction, it is also possible to remove the threads or have a different rejuvenation application.

Medical aesthetic health services usually perform applications whose effects can be seen quickly. Moreover, no specific healing process is required, people can return to their social life or daily life immediately. Therefore, the application can be preferred because it offers extremely economical rope suspension prices, the healing process is fast and patient satisfaction is at a high level.

The Difference Between a French Hanger and a Spider Web

Although they are known to be the same or alternatives to each other, the difference between the French sling and the spider web is very distinct. Although both of these methods are popular non-surgical thread suspension methods, they differ from each other both in terms of the threads used and because they meet different expectations. For example, the French hanger method is mostly applied in cases where the sagging is deep or prominent, while the spider web method is preferred for lighter and smaller sagging.

Other prominent differences between French sling and spider web are as follows:

  • In the spider web method, threads that dissolve spontaneously in the body are used, whereas in the French hanger method, the threads do not dissolve and can be pulled after years to re-stretch the face,
  • The French hanger is much longer lasting than the cobweb method,
  • Considering the prices of thread suspension facelift, the spider web method is more economical.

French hanger and spider web are not procedures that can be performed at the same time. However, it is possible to do one first and then the other. In cases where these two applications are performed together, the results are much more effective. Which of these two procedures is suitable for the patient should be revealed as a result of the examination.

What You Should Know About the French Hanger

French sling has become a popular application with its reviews and success rates all over the world. The fact that it can be repeated afterwards and the long duration of the effect are considered to be the most important factors that increase the preferability of the method. Although the information above gives enough information about the French hanger, the following information may be useful for those who want to get short and clear answers about the French hanger:

  • This application, which does not have any negative effects on the skin, is extremely harmless,
  • The French strap cannot stop time, but it can delay the signs of aging,
  • If you plan to remove the strings later, you can choose the infinity strap instead of the French strap,
  • The reason for using absorbable ropes in the French sling is that their lifting and carrying power is much weaker,
  • It is considered one of the most effective methods known in the world for the treatment of wrinkles or sagging,
  • Anyone between 30 and 70 years old can benefit from the app,
  • The actual results of the application start to be seen after about 2 months,
  • From the outside, it is not noticeable that you have a French hanger,
  • You do not need to make any special preparation before the application.

In addition to all these, physician preference is shown as one of the most important factors. As a matter of fact, the success rate of French sling applications performed by non-specialized physicians is low and there is always the possibility of complications. Therefore, you need to make sure that the physician you choose is experienced in their field.

French Hanger Prices

There are many factors that determine French strap prices. For example, factors such as the patient's skin type, the application area or the number of threads to be used directly affect the price. Therefore, after deciding to have a French hanger, a physician examination is required first. The physician will give detailed information about French hanger prices after performing the necessary controls. Although the French hanger is a little more costly than methods such as spider web or infinity hanger, it is a much more effective method. Therefore, if you want to achieve a more permanent effect, you should prefer the French hanger method.

After deciding to have a French hanger application, the price should not be the first thing you care about. Because no one wants to leave the clinic with a bad French strap application at the expense of affordable prices. Therefore, the first priority of patients is always to choose a physician who is an expert in his field, has experience and has a high success rate in French hanger applications. If you are looking for a physician with experience and high success rates for French lift, you can contact us right now using our communication channels and make an appointment.

Last Update : 21.10.2023