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What is Face and Neck Mesotherapy?

Aging, as in other organs in the human body, causes the skin to also regress morphologically and physiologically over time and the skin begins to lose its functions. However, unlike other organs; physical, chemical and environmental factors are effective in aging process in the skin. Therefore, skin aging occurs in two different ways as internal and external skin aging. Internal skin aging is an inevitable process that occurs depending on genetic factors, diet and time. External skin aging is a preventable process that develops due to environmental factors such as ultraviolet rays, air temperature, chemicals to which the skin is exposed and friction on the skin surface. While it is not possible to prevent the effects of aging caused by genetic factor, symptoms of aging due to external factors can be slowed down or stopped. Among the state-of-the-art skin supporting treatment methods developed to delay aging, skin mesotherapy has been on the rise in recent years as a skin rejuvenation method. 

Scientific studies show that skin problems due to aging are mostly caused by environmental factors.  Even though genetic factors and other internal factors play an important role in the aging process, effect of internal aging is almost a quarter of the others.   Many people get help from various cosmetic products to prevent skin aging. Although these cosmetics nourish the upper part of the skin and contribute to the revitalization of the skin, they cannot affect the lower skin where the skin needs to be revived.  Avoiding sunlight, a stress-free life, smoking cessation, and sufficient vitamin and mineral intake will help delay skin aging but an internal stimulant will provide a faster recovery effect on the skin.

With the developing technology, new methods that penetrate under the skin have begun to be applied in skin rejuvenation field. Facial mesotherapy is one of these methods which is applied especially around the face, neck and cleavage area. Facial mesotherapy or also known as Mesolifting is an effective treatment method based on injecting mixtures such as vitamins, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid into the lower parts of the skin. The main purpose of this treatment method is to correct the blood circulation disorders in the skin, to meet the missing vitamin and mineral needs, and to replace the lost tissues.

What is Face and Neck Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a preferred method primarily for face, cleavage, hand, neck and scalp. It is actually made to revitalize the skin, increase cell metabolism and delay aging in the skin. In this procedure, a medicine which is a combination of antioxidants and vitamins such as A, D, E; selenium, grinko biloba and hyalunoric acid which provides moisture balance and volume to the skin are used. This prepared vitamin cocktail is applied to the face, neck, cleavage and hands. In order for the mesotherapy treatment to be successful, the number of sessions varies according to the age group, but it is applied between 4 and 6 sessions on average and each session lasts approximately 20 minutes.

 How Is Skin Mesotherapy Applied?

Before the facial mesotherapy  application, the skin is analyzed and its needs are determined, and then the skin surface to be applied is cleaned after a detailed examination. The needles that allow the mixture to be injected under the skin are extremely thin. In this way, the patient almost does not feel any pain.   Other than face; neck, cleavage and hands are also considered within this application area Mesolifting is a method of rejuvenation that is safely preferred in the treatment of sagging neck, deep lines in the cleavage and wrinkles on the hand. Since the application is an anti-aging application, handling the face, neck, hand and cleavage together will increase the success of the results. However, it may not be necessary to treat the hand and neck areas of a patient who wants to have a mesotherapy treatment. The patient and the doctor should decide this together.  Patients over 35 years old are suitable for facial mesotherapy. It is an ideal treatment method for anyone, men and women; who cannot take sufficient care of their skin and want a younger appearance.  Skin mesotherapy prevents the formation of new ones while eliminating the existing signs of aging

What Are The Benefits of Facial Mesotherapy?

Facial mesotherapy applications begin to show their effects after the 2nd and 3rd sessions on average. As a result of eliminating the problems in the skin, the skin regains its former brightness and vitality, gaining a more lively, more flexible and healthier appearance. Generally applied to the face and neck area, mesotherapy provides prevention of jowl formation, tightening of neck skin, improvement of face and neck line and removal of color irregularities in the area.

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Last Update : 19.04.2023