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Who Can Have Forehead Augmentation?

Forehead is the facial area where the signs of aging are seen first. Depending on the age, wrinkles are common in this area. Movements in the forehead lines, while expressing emotions, will deepen the lines on the forehead over time and cause deep horizontal lines. Forehead aesthetics; It is the operation of lifting the forehead, lifting low eyebrows and removing excess skin by correcting the sagging. It also helps to eliminate deep wrinkles in this area. With Forehead augmentationthe muscles and tissues underneath are tightened and the forehead is given a tighter form. With this procedure, the vertical lines between the eyebrows are also improved while removing the horizontal lines on the forehead. In addition, eyebrows are repositioned and a young appearance is obtained. While skin loses elasticity due to aging, wrinkle formation on the forehead, and sagging eyebrows and eyelids begin to appear. In addition, factors such as the effect of gravity, harmful rays of the sun and stress are important factors in aging and sagging of the skin.

There are two types of forehead augmentation methods: In the traditional method, forehead lifting operations are operations performed from one ear to the next. To reach the tissues and muscles under the forehead, an incision from the top of the head carrying the scalp to the ear is used. It is closed again after stretching and tightening operations in the muscles and tissues under the skin. Thus, the incision scar will be hidden inside the hair, your surgeon will try to prevent any visible scars. Only the thin line hair with the cut will be shaved and the other parts of the hair will not be touched.

The second type of forehead augmentation are endoscopic procedures. In endoscopic operations, a few small incisions are made just above the hairline. With small interventions, a younger and wrinkle-free forehead will be obtained by tightening the muscles and tissues of the forehead. As it is a less invasive method, healing can be achieved in a shorter time with less scarring and fewer complications are observed. The forehead area, from the upper part of the eyes to the hairline, is given a younger look. By eliminating these lines, which occur due to age, the aging process on the skin is naturally improved. The skin on the forehead is smoothed and the muscles and tissues under this surface are removed or corrected to eliminate wrinkles and  sagging eyebrows. Eyebrows are repositioned and placed in their new place, resulting in a younger look.

Forehead augmentation surgery can be performed in general or intravenous sedation under operating room conditions. It will take approximately one or two hours.

Forehead augmentation is generally preferred by people between the ages of 40 and 60 to gain a younger appearance on the forehead and eyebrows and slow down the aging effects. In young people, it can also be done to reshape the eyebrows that give a sad expression to the face. The ideal candidates for this operation are; those whose eyebrows are too low or they have low eyebrows, people whose eyebrows add a tired and sad expression to the face, people who have frowning, asymmetrical or vertical lines between their eyebrows.  Forehead augmentation surgery is often recommended for these people. People with excessive skin accumulation on the upper eyelids and deep horizontal wrinkles on the forehead; as well as people whose foreheads make them look stressed, old, tired or angry can benefit from forehead augmentation surgery. You can look more energetic and dynamic with a tighter forehead.

This operation can be performed alone or in a single session with face lift, rhinoplasty and eyelid aesthetic operations. Your surgeon can recommend these operations together to rejuvenate your entire facial appearance. You can decide with your doctor which option will work better for you.

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Last Update : 19.04.2023