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The Things You Should Know About Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a plastic surgery procedure performed to increase the size of the breasts by placing breast implants under the breast tissue or breast muscles. Many women may experience loss of breast volume during their pregnancy, due to weight loss or aging, or may have small breasts all along their life. Breast augmentation may be a good choice if such situations lead to a lack of self-confidence in women. Breast augmentation can provide a more proportional body shape, wider clothing options, and a greater sense of confidence and self-esteem for women who have small breasts.

Breast augmentation is one of the most common plastic surgeries preferred by many women. It is performed on breasts that are smaller than normal due to genetic factors or have lost their volume due to excessive and sudden weight loss or pregnancy. Asymmetrical breasts can also be addressed during the same surgery.

Although the results vary from person to person, a successful breast augmentation generally provides fuller breasts that are more proportional to the overall body shape. The process also improves the sagging breasts and helps to obtain a tighter appearance.

Since modern materials used today are compatible with the body, many studies around the world have shown that there is no illness or systemic disease caused by saline or silicone implants. There is no evidence that this surgery increases the risk of breast cancer.

Before considering breast augmentation surgery, you should always keep in mind that the desired result is improvement, not perfection, as in any other plastic surgery. If you think your breasts are smaller than normal or out of proportion to your body shape, you can resort to breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation surgery is also beneficial for breasts that are uneven in size or have reduced volume after pregnancy. In addition, you can continue breastfeeding after breast augmentation.

Breast Augmentation surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. The surgery takes about 2-3 hours. The implant is placed under the skin or under the muscle tissue, depending on the conditions of the breast tissue. It is impossible to have a large visible scar in breast augmentation surgery. The location and size of the scars are important in this regard, and one of the most frequently asked questions among patients is the size of the scar. The scars that occur after breast augmentation are usually only a few centimeters long and remain unnoticed in the under-breast fold. Dressing and bandage are applied to the area after the breast augmentation. In order to keep the silicone implant down in the pockets or to maintain the contour until the recovery process is completed, an elastic wrap on the upper part of the breast, a special bra to prevent swelling and to support the breasts can be used. A drain is placed under the bandage. In this way, excess fluid accumulated in the surgical area is removed.

The final shape and position of the breasts are achieved within a few months after the breast augmentation. Breast augmentation is not a one-time procedure. Women with implants may need additional surgery over the years for problems such as implant displacement, leakage, and hardening of the scarring around the implant. However, it is possible to use breast implants without any problems for years after the operation by following the instructions and not smoking. In order to prevent and diagnose possible health problems at an early stage, all patients should complete their postoperative checks over the years.

In addition, the prices of breast augmentation surgery are among the most frequently asked topics by patients. It is not possible to give a definitive answer to this question. Prices will differ depending on the method used and the type of silicon. The medical service you will receive is also important for determining the price. You can contact your surgeon to get more information in this regard.

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Last Update : 19.10.2023